• Clear and comfortable vision begins with healthy eyes.

Our Services

Our Eye Services

Our Services To Give Best Care For Your Eyes

Comprehensive Eye Exam

During your eye exam the optometrist will not only evaluate your eyes for visual correction (whether or not you need eye glasses or contact lenses), they will also be checking the overall health and function of your eyes.

Many eye diseases have very miniscule or slow progressing symptoms which cannot be detected without a comprehensive eye exam. It is important to catch eye diseases during their early stages, as some diseases, like glaucoma, are irreversible. Fortunately, early detection can make it significantly easier to manage the disease, and preserve vision.

Exams For Eye Health, Visual Comfort And Urgent Care

Many health conditions and medications can have an impact on the eye and vision.  Sometimes further follow ups are required outside of the routine exam in order to assess and monitor for these changes. These additional tests and evaluations may possibly lead to referrals to other health care providers in order to manage the  conditions.  Conditions like amblyopia, or lazy eyes, can also impact overall vision and can sometimes be a result of health issues and will require detailed testing to optimize the vision.

Laser Or Refractive Surgery Assessment And Co-management

There are many options that exist today to address reducing dependency on glasses and contact lenses.  Different corrective surgeries include PRK, LASIK, SMILE and Clear Lens Extraction just to name several.  Whether you have a specific procedure or clinic in mind, or not, we will assess your vision and eyes and let you know what your options are.  Depending on your goals and eyes we can determine which procedure and clinic would suit your needs.  There are many clinics and surgeons that perform refractive surgery and we can help you make that once in a lifetime choice.  We will work together with the clinic and provide followup care once the surgery is complete.

Contact Lens Fits And Assessments

Contact lenses are medical devices which, like drugs, provide benefits while posing certain risks. Many people wear contact lenses to correct their vision. The reasons for choosing contacts over glasses or refractive eye surgery (which corrects the shape of the cornea) include visual comfort, lifestyle, sports and appearance.  With all of the convenient and healthy options available today almost anybody can wear contact lenses, including bifocal and progressive eyeglass wearers as well as those with astigmatism.

Children's Eye Exams

Since many eye problems arise from conditions that can be identified by an optometrist in an infant’s first year of life, a parent can give a child a great gift by seeking an eye assessment in addition to the wellness evaluation of the eyes that is done by a pediatrician or family doctor.  Young children can be assessed for various eye conditions and do not need to be able to answer questions or know the alphabet in order to have an eye exam.  Different tests and methods are used depending on the age and ability of the child. 

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is an individualized treatment program prescribed by your optometrist to improve conditions like strabismus (crossed eyes) or amblyopia (lazy eye). Vision therapy is linked to helping treat vision related challenges in children and adults who have learning disabilities and individualized education plans. It can also be effective in treating vision related obstacles for people who have experienced a traumatic brain injury. Vision therapy helps individuals learn, relearn and reinforce specific visual skills and can be done at any age. Call us today to book an assessment to see if Vision Therapy may be right for you.